Picture Perfect

July 19, 2010

We have now passed 6 weeks to go, and things couldn’t be crazier. As a prime example we spent an entire afternoon jetting around our reception venue and the surrounding area taking some fabulous pictures with our photographer Dave.

We make such a disgustingly cute couple, it should be outlawed.  But alas, the wedding is still on.  We had a lot of fun exploring our venue at the Historical Building.  Trying to capture some of the really neat angles 3 stories of openness entail.

We even got our obligatory ring shot on the way to the Papajohn’s sculpture garden.

But there is entirely too much of us in that shot.  I mean, its all about the ring right?

Closer, but we will have to work on finding just the right hand shot.  Neither of us are hand models, but we do our best.

We even got a new picture that we will hopefully turn into a new banner for the website.  Stay tuned, but here is a sneak preview.

I really love the look down the street.  It has to be one of my favorite shots of the day.

And finally, I will leave you with some wonderful things that we all love.

One Response to “Picture Perfect”

  1. Ha! In every picture of us on this blog, you are on the left and I am on the right. Crazy. At least we finally have some pictures of us not wearing hats 😉

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