September 28, 2010
Finally, on our one month anniversary we have a completed Fauxtobooth video.  Check it out! From the looks of it, a lot of people had a great time making spectacles of themselves. We realize that not every picture is the most flattering, but too bad.  We love it all.  This wedding wouldn’t have been the awesome event […]
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Wedding by Nate
September 15, 2010
Nate and I have survived our first couple days back in the real world, though we’re both suffering from vacation withdrawal. Â The wedding and the honeymoon were both better than we could have imagined. We have tons of material to keep us busy little bloggers for awhile. To get things rolling, here are some teaser […]
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Wedding by Liz
August 7, 2010
3 weeks from today, these little guys are going to be famous.
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Craft, Wedding by Liz
August 1, 2010
Does anyone else remember this episode of the Simpsons? Lisa’s wedding was supposed to be today. Just an FYI. Source
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Wedding by Liz
July 25, 2010
So here I am, and what you see here is my curse. Â My desire to make pretty things. Â Somewhere early on I decided to make 30 centerpieces for our wedding. Â I stuck with it through all the questioning, and debating on if it and the cakes were a good idea. Â I must admit that a […]
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Cakestands, Wedding, Woodworking by Nate
July 21, 2010
I have a ring! We found this at Ames Silversmithing, and we love it. Â It is a Damascus steel ring, which comes out as a sort of wood grain pattern. Â Liz found it when we were just browsing, and I just had to have it. Â I don’t know that we could have found a better […]
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Wedding by Nate
July 19, 2010
We have now passed 6 weeks to go, and things couldn’t be crazier. As a prime example we spent an entire afternoon jetting around our reception venue and the surrounding area taking some fabulous pictures with our photographer Dave. We make such a disgustingly cute couple, it should be outlawed. Â But alas, the wedding is […]
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Wedding by Nate
July 7, 2010
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Wedding by Liz
July 5, 2010
Last weekend, my cousin Kathleen threw me an absolutely perfect wedding shower! We had a fabulous lunch, tea, desserts, and (non-embarrassing) games at her lovely house. It was nice to have so many of my favorite women all in the same room together. When I arrived, I was greeted by one of my best friends […]
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Wedding by Liz
July 1, 2010
(most of them, at least) A big “Thank You!” to Becky for helping me stuff, stamp, stick, and seal so many invitations last night. You’re a lifesaver!
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Wedding by Liz